Examination Planning – Session 2023-2024

Sr.No Exam Title Class Exam Dates PTM
1 Periodic Assessment – I Prep to XII Thu. July 6, 2023 to Thu. July 13, 2023 Sat. July 22, 2023
2 Half Yearly Examination Prep to XII Thu. Sep. 21, 2023 to Thurs. Oct. 5, 2023 Sat. Oct. 28, 2023
3 Pre-Board Examination – I X and XII Thu. Dec 07, 2023 to Sat. Dec 16, 2023 Fri. Dec. 22, 2023
Periodic Assessment – II Prep. to IX and XI Thu. Dec 07, 2023 to Thu. Dec 14, 2023 Sat. Jan. 06, 2024
4 Pre-Board Examination – II X and XII Thu. Jan 04, 2024 to Sat. Jan 13, 2024 Sat. Jan. 27, 2024
5 Annual Examination IX and XI Thu. Feb. 22, 2024 to Tue. Mar. 5, 2024 Sat. March 30, 2024
Prep. to VIII Sat. March 02, 2024 to Fri. Mar. 15, 2024 Sat. March 30, 2024